Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Title: 8051 Microcontroller (PIC16F877A)




PIC is a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. The 16F877A is one of the most popular PIC microcontrollers and it's easy to see why - it comes in a 40 pin DIP pin out and it has many internal peripherals.  The 40 pins make it easier to use the peripherals as the functions are spread out over the pins.  

The PIC16F877A is useful as a reference device because it has a minimal instruction set but a full range or peripheral features. The general approach to microcontroller application design followed here is to develop a design using a chip that has spare capacity, and then later select a related device that has the set of features most closely matching the application requirements.

The most significant variation among PIC chips is the instruction size, which can be 12, 14, or 16 bits. The A suffix indicates that the chip has a maximum clock speed of 20 MHz, the main upgrade from the original 16F877 device. These chips can otherwise be regarded as identical, the suffix being optional for most purposes.

1.) To know more about PIC 16F877A because this is the type of PIC that I have used in my project.
2.) To learn how to burn the program into PIC.
3.) To find the most suitable PIC for my project.

This PIC 16F877A is the most suitable PIC for my project because its easy to handle beside I have learn about that before in Microprocessor and Micro-controllers subject.

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